
What is WiFi Analytics?

Wifi Analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing anonymous data from WiFi-enabled devices through WiFi access points. Every connected device, such as a cell phone, laptop or tablet, broadcasts a signal which allows Wi-Fi access points such as Cisco Meraki to recognize a unique device ID associated with the device. Therefore, the WiFi access point has the ability to track this data whether a person is logged into WiFi or not as long as they have Wifi-enabled on their device.

As a result, enterprise big data software has the ability to clean, process, and apply advanced algorithm sets. Then, detailed customer analytics and location intelligence becomes available for physical locations to optimize restaurant operations.

This is similar to website analytics that give webmasters the ability to track customer interaction and attribution, allowing them to personalize their customers’ buying journey.

For detailed information about the aspects of WiFi marketing, click What is Wi-Fi Analytics?

restaurant_marketingDIGIMAX Intelligence WiFi Metrics

The DIGIMAX Intelligence enterprise Wi-Fi analytics tools provide powerful KPIs and rich insight and into customer behavior at your location, such as:

  • Dwell Time
  • First Time Visitors
  • First Time Visitor Return Rate
  • Customer Churn Likelihood
  • Popular Visit Times
  • Much More

Multi-unit chains have the ability to compare their in-store analytics, such as traffic data or customer churn rates of each location or group averages of locations, to identify opportunities to optimize operations and marketing. These analytics reports can be produced for any date span you choose.

The real significance is being able to see data such as dwell time by the hour which measures the average dwell time of anyone that comes in at a specific hour.

Why is this important? Imagine a fast-casual restaurant, for example. If their average customer dwell time is 30 minutes but at 8 a.m. it doubles to 60 minutes, what is going on at 8 am that is causing their average dwell time to double? Could they be understaffed? The bottom line equates to fewer table turns, which means less revenue.

Identifying these restaurant operational inefficiencies quickly is critical to the success of any restaurant.

Making WiFi Analytics Actionable

The DIGIMAX Intelligence customer analytics platform creates clean, actionable customer behavior insight.

DIGIMAX employs multiple machine learning algorithms. They remove employees and outliers from the data. This provides multi-location operators true insight into their customer behavior and locations health.

After that, the DIGIMAX big data stack processes these customer data points through multiple advanced algorithm sets to create insight, build customer profiles, and to trigger email marketing campaigns that are based upon the behavior of your customer via our WiFi marketing platform.

Therefore, a customer only needs to log in to guest WiFi once for DIGIMAX to capture your customers contact information. Then the DIGIMAX WiFi email marketing platform can trigger email campaigns based upon a customer’s presence analytics – sometimes called location analytics – on or off location.

For example, a customer returns to a location after previously logging into the guest WiFi the previous visit. The DIGIMAX marketing platform can trigger a survey, offer or message to the customer. DIGIMAX knows that the customer received the message when they return to the location and if they redeemed the offer. The ability to track attribution of all email campaigns allows restaurant and retail marketers to track ROI and effectiveness of all campaigns.

Benefits of Wi-Fi Analytics

Marketing and operations decisions become infinitely harder to make when no tangible customer behavior data exists. This means that these decisions have to be made based upon personal preference or opinion. Needless to say, this can be devastating for a business.

With comprehensive, accurate customer demographic and behavior data, restaurant marketing professionals can take their marketing campaigns to the next level. Knowing who your ideal customers are, how they behave at your location, and what they’re likely to be more interested in, you can segment your customers into various personas and send marketing messages to each segment that will be more engaging to them. This will greatly increase marketing results and drive down costs.

Likewise, operations decisions, such as staffing and purchasing, can be confidently made with DIGIMAX intelligence’s data solution  that utilizes WiFi analytics.

Behavior-Driven Marketing Campaigns

With a WiFi marketing and analytics platform like DIGIMAX’s, customer behavior data and demographics are collected for every customer who comes into your place of business with a WiFi-enabled device. This behavior data is stored in your restaurant CRM database.

You can then see individual customer behavior and demographic data. Then it become possible to create marketing campaigns based on specific data metrics. These include dwell times, visit counts, age, gender, or whether the customer is at-risk of churning.

For instance, you could create a campaign with a goal of getting your churning customers to return. First, you simply create the message you’d like to send to them. Then, you tell DIGIMAX to send the message whenever the customer is deemed at-risk of churning. DIGIMAX uses advanced machine learning and AI to determine when a customer reaches that threshold.

You can also further segment the campaign to only send the message to customers with specific behavior patterns or demographics. The possibilities are countless, and you’ll see accurate, tangible ROI metrics to help you optimize and profit.

WiFi Analytics Provide Accurate Campaign ROI

One of the most powerful benefits that a business can gain from using a WiFi marketing and Wi-Fi analytics platform is the ability to see accurate, real-time results from WiFi restaurant marketing campaigns.

After all, if a business is unable to track performance of marketing campaigns accurately, it becomes impossible to know if they are providing positive ROI. Likewise, it makes testing and optimization impossible.

DIGIMAX Intelligence gives you the ability to track the results of every campaign you create. All the way down to a customer returning to your place of business and/or redeeming an offer. DIGIMAX’s WiFi analytics detect the device of any consumer that walks back into your location that received one of your offers, messages or surveys.

This allows you to see which campaigns are working well, and which need attention. Likewise, it allows you to do A/B testing on your messaging and media to gain the largest ROI possible.

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