blog Restaurant Smart Coupons

Restaurant Smart Coupons

The goal of any restaurant discount, offer, or digital coupon is to entice a customer to visit your establishment blog restaurant_smart_coupons_47a9t1n3h4k58and/or purchase a particular item. Of course, the ideal solution would be for the customer to try out your restaurant based upon your brand reputation or restaurant marketing efforts, instead of having to use a coupon. Unfortunately, consumers develop habits and personal preferences, and changing their mind isn’t always a piece of cake.

Today’s consumers love free coupons. For example, according to market research company A. C. Nielson Co., 52 percent of consumers actively checked or compared pricing, and almost half (46%) searched for deals, promotions, or coupons.

When implemented correctly, coupons can bring new, returning, and churned visitors back through your doors again and again.

What are Restaurant Smart Coupons?

Restaurant smart coupons are simply digital coupons. They serve the same purpose as regular paper coupons, but they are stored digitally on a consumer’s mobile device.

The best and easiest way to implement and maintain a digital smart coupon program is to use a WiFi marketing and analytics platform like DIGIMAX Intelligence. The platform allows you to easily create and send customers a unique, one-time use code that they can redeem at their next visit. The coupon is stored on their mobile device.

These digital smart coupons can be sent with specific terms of use and contain an expiration date.

Restaurant smart coupons are great for:

  • Recruiting New Customers
  • Resolving negative experiences
  • Enticing competitor foot traffic
  • Re-attracting churned customers
  • Selling more expensive items

How Smart Coupons Work

When a customer logs into your guest WiFi, a WiFi marketing platform will create a customer profile for that guest. Since every mobile device has a unique identifying number, the platform will recognize that customer whenever they are within range of the WiFi access point – whether they log into WiFi or not.

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This allows the platform to monitor the customer’s behavior. Then, specific messages can be configured and sent based upon their behavior (and/or demographic) data. For instance, you can send automated digital offers to your customers who meet certain criteria, such as age, gender, postal code, number of visits, or days since their last visit.

When creating these digital coupons, DIGIMAX gives you the ability to embed a smart coupon into the message. The coupon is unique to that customer and that message. When the customer returns, they show their server the smart coupon on their mobile device and click the “Redeem” button. The system tracks all of this and will give you accurate reports on how your campaigns are performing, based on how many customers returned to your location(s) and how many redeemed their unique smart coupon.

How To Use Smart Coupons

There are several reasons why you would want to send a smart coupon to your customers. Perhaps the most important reason is to get customers who have stopped visiting to begin visiting again. Keeping existing customers is much less expensive than acquiring new ones. So, this could make great financial sense for a restaurant or small business.

DIGIMAX Intelligence uses multiple machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to accurately predict when a customer is at risk of churning. When this happens, the customer is tagged in the database as an at-risk customer.

Then, using DIGIMAX’s WiFi marketing suite of tools, you can create a digital offer that will be automatically sent when a customer is tagged as being at-risk. These messages typically contain a pleasant greeting and a smart coupon for a free drink or appetizer to entice them to come back and reform their habit of frequenting your business.

DIGIMAX users have been seeing up to 38% of their at-risk customers return using this strategy. This increases their lifetime value and subsequently, your revenue. Click the banner below to read a real-life case study.

As discussed above, there are many other reasons to use smart coupons for your restaurant. So, DIGIMAX allows you to create any message you want to send with your digital coupon. This creates flexibility and endless opportunities for you to get customers back through your doors.

Advanced WiFi Marketing with DIGIMAX

With the DIGIMAX Intelligence platform, smart coupons are just the tip of the iceberg. DIGIMAX provides detailed location-based WiFi analytics that allow you to measure customer behavior in real time at your physical location – even if they don’t log into your WiFi! 

WiFi Analytics also allow you to track the performance of every campaign down to your customer returning and redeeming smart coupons at your location(s). This is because DIGIMAX’s enterprise WiFi Analytics sense when a person’s device returns to your location from the restaurant marketing campaigns your team has created. We then track redemption of your digital offer at your locations, and the actual return on investment from every campaign. This allows you to continually optimize your campaigns over time to drive the profitability of every campaign. This is just smart.

With advanced WiFi analytics and an easy-to-use intelligent marketing suite, you’ll have the tools necessary to grow your brick-and-mortar business. You’ll quickly and passively build a large customer relationship management database with detailed and cleaned customer profiles, and market to them automatically based on their demographics and behavior.

Start growing with DIGIMAX Intelligence growth tools. Click here to sign up for a free demo, and watch your business grow!