blog crm database


CRM databases – building clean customer profiles based upon behavior offline or online, demographics, and even visit history – are the foundation to your marketing and operations success. No matter what size or type of business you operate, your customers are your number one asset. Customer acquisition, retention, and maximizing your revenue per customer should be among your business’s primary goals.

If you manage a brick-and-mortar establishment, such as a restaurant or coffee shop, you may not have an efficient way to keep track and know every customer who comes into your multi-location operation. Building a CRM database is the first step to personalizing your customers’ experiences and maximizing your revenue per customer.

This foundation allows you to measure your customer behavior on or offline. You can build automated, personalized marketing campaigns to measure customer satisfaction, save at-risk customers, increase customer frequency, and much more.

What is a CRM Database?

CRM, which stands for customer relationship management, refers to software that will document, monitor and blog wifi-marketingstore customer data for you in a central database. You can use the data to easily visualized in an easy-to-understand graphical interface. Then you can use it to make intelligent, data-driven marketing and operations decisions.

The DIGIMAX Intelligence CRM database is a great option for brick-and-mortar companies that simply have too many customers to keep track of manually. Or for those who do not have the time or resources to manually enter the collected data into their database,  spreadsheet or other solution. Unlike other CRMs that are built for large business-to-business sales and marketing teams, DIGIMAX was built specifically for restaurants and other offline businesses to automatically build rich, clean customer profiles and databases quickly.

And it’s all done for you, behind the scenes. This way, you and your staff can focus on what you do best.

How a multi-channel WiFi CRM Database Collects Data

Most CRM database software will store customer contact information, such as name, email and phone number. Traditionally, sales and marketing professionals entered the information.

Multi-channel WiFi-powered CRMs work differently. When a customer’s cell phone enters into the range of your guest WiFi sensors, DIGIMAX automatically recognizes the device’s unique device ID, and starts collecting and storing anonymous data such as visit times,  dwell time, frequency, and advanced KPIs such as their likelihood to churn. Then, instead of manual or web-assisted customer data entry into your CRM, customers opt-in via your captive portal page or other customer opt-in points. This acts as an automated process to build your CRM database without your organization needing to do any additional work.

When your customer opts into your WiFi or other customer opt-in points, a customer profile is created in the CRM database and all previous and future presence behavior data that was collected as anonymous customer data will be associated to their digital profile. At that point, the customer’s device is no longer anonymous, and it is associated with their customer profile. Customer digital profiles include phone numbers, gender, birthday (age), emails, postal codes, presence analytics and other important customer data points.

Additionally, DIGIMAX pulls data from other sources of information such as social media websites like Facebook,  POS systems, delivery platforms and other valuable sources of data.

The Importance of Clean, Verified Data

Many CRM database software solutions will allow customers to enter data that is false. Customers may enter an email address that is entirely made up and doesn’t exist, or provide other false customer data. This creates scenarios where you receive false customer data that can be detrimental to your marketing and operations strategies. Not to mention the loss of time, and money by setting up systems that will not meet their full potential because your customer data was not cleaned and normalized.

DIGIMAX Intelligence verifies all emails in real time. Additionally, DIGIMAX checks zip codes and phone numbers for accuracy. Likewise, if a customer enters a birth date that appears false, DIGIMAX will ask for their correct birthday. The key is having complete, clean customer profiles to personalize your customers’ experiences, increasing the profitability of your organization.

What is the real value of a CRM Database?

Compared to other CRM database examples or CRMs, enterprise WiFi-powered CRMs offer many advantages. First, you can quickly build large clean customer databases automatically. You then receive the additional benefit of understanding your customers’ individual presence behavior once they opt in.

As customer profiles are being automatically built, you can build a list of tens, or hundreds of thousands of customers. These profiles allow you to identify and define your customers categorically. Then you can group them into segments for marketing, advertising and other cost-saving or generation purposes.

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Through customer segmentation, you can create marketing campaigns that speak much more clearly to each of your segments. You’ll be able to speak directly to the pain points and emotions of each group. The process of personalizing your customers’ messaging and experience increases engagement, lowers marketing and advertising costs, and keeps them coming back through your doors.

You can also send offers to each individual segment, or to your entire database of customers. Additionally, you can send a triggered message asking for a rating after a customer leaves your establishment. If the rating is below a particular threshold that you define, you can automatically send another message persuading them to return and give your business another chance. Many restaurateurs include a free item in the message, such as a drink or appetizer. When redeemed, the system will log the information in the CRM database. You can see exactly how well your campaign is working.

Saving At-Risk Customers

One of the most powerful benefits of the DIGIMAX Intelligence CRM database is its ability to identify customers who are at-risk of churning, or those who have already churned. DIGIMAX’s intelligent algorithm sets monitor each customer’s visit frequency and distribution, individually and as a whole.

By analyzing the visit frequency, the platform can accurately predict when a customer should be returning for their next visit. If the customer does not return by that date, they are tagged as an at-risk customer.

At that point, you can configure DIGIMAX to automatically send a message to the at-risk customer. These messages contain a message reminding the customer of your business and often include an incentive for them to return. DIGIMAX users are seeing up to 38% of churned customers return to their place of business using at-risk campaigns. Once you create the campaign, saving at-risk customers becomes an automated process. Your organization can save significant amounts of revenue from customers leaving and not coming back.

Using CRM Insights for Marketing and Operations

With the ability to collect customer demographic and behavior data that is stored in your CRM database, you will now be able to create several types of triggered campaigns such as:

  • Milestones – when a customer reaches a predetermined number of visits over a specific period of time
  • Loyalty – when a customer reaches a specific visit count
  • Anniversary – sent annually when a customer reaches the date of their first visit, or registration on your WiFi
  • Birthday – sent a specific amount of time prior to a customer’s birthday
  • Upon Exit – a specific amount of time after a customer leaves your establishment
  • Upon Registration – when a customer registers on your WiFi
  • Rating – Invite customers who give your location a poor rating to come back and give you another try

You can also send one-off or scheduled/recurring messages to your customer database, or specific segments of it. You achieve the ability to trigger marketing campaigns based upon customer behavior if your customer only logs into your WiFi once. After that point, DIGIMAX’s WiFi analytics can sense your customers’ presence. And can trigger marketing even if they do not log into WiFi again.

On the operations side, having access to metrics like daily traffic, dwell times by hour, customer frequency, customer rating results, and much more allows you to see data you could not see before that are critical to operational success. This transparency into customer behavior and sentiment gives you data to optimize staffing, ordering, and discover problematic trends before they become a larger issue.

Other Benefits of a CRM Database

busy_restaurantCentralized Data – There are other benefits to using a WiFi-powered CRM database. First, you can centralize all of your customer data in one place. You’ll never have to search for a spreadsheet or weed through business cards to find individual customer contact information again.

Scalable – A CRM database is an easily-sustainable, scalable, and powerful tool for business growth. Imagine your business as you grow your locations footprint. The ability to know your customers and understand their behavior at scale will simply be too limited and time-consuming to achieve through manual efforts to be practical. DIGIMAX’s WiFi marketing and customer intelligence hub is completely scalable to any size.

Intelligent Reporting – All customer behavior data is logged in the database. Therefore, you can easily create reports to measure the effectiveness of your marketing and operational decisions. You can test different marketing messages and optimize your campaigns quickly and easily, and track any campaign down to your customers walking back into your doors.

Profit & ROI – The reason online companies have a competitive advantage is that they are measuring their customers on their websites and building large, clean customer databases that they use to personalize their customer experiences and re-market to their customers to maximize profitability. A large, clean customer database, plus presence analytics, and an advanced marketing suite equals a pot-of-gold that you use to generate real profits.

DIGIMAX Intelligence WiFi marketing and customer intelligence platform delivers these growth tools to physical locations. Now you can have a competitive advantage once limited to online companies.

You Can Start Building a CRM Database Today

Utilizing a CRM database can be extremely valuable for your business, and accelerate its future growth. You’ll have a greater understanding of who your best customers are. And you can speak to them when, where and how they want to be spoken to. You’ll drive engagement, familiarity and loyalty between you and your customers. You’ll drive solid increases in per-person ticket averages. And you’ll decrease customer churn/attrition and increase your customer lifetime value. This is just smart, and it is what DIGIMAX Intelligence can deliver to your operation.

Get a head start on your competition. Contact us for a free, no obligation platform demonstration. See exactly how DIGIMAX Intelligence can make your customers happy and drive your business growth. Call us at 215-528-8410 or click here to schedule a free demo. We’ll show you how easy it is.