

The internet of things and DIGIMAX Intelligence have created an opportunity for offline businesses to utilize WiFi sensors to collect, analyze and react to customer behavior data in real time. Even if they don’t log into your WiFi. DIGIMAX captures detailed, valuable presence analytics from your customers that you could never see before.

Gain the advantage that ecommerce companies have held over brick-and-mortar locations for years. Utilize technology, big data, and proprietary algorithms to benchmark important key performance indicators for your offline business just like online companies do with their websites.

What Is Presence Analytics?

Presence analytics, also known as location analytics or WiFi analytics, refers to customer behavior data that is collected and tracked using customer mobile devices and your physical location’s WiFi access point(s).

Every mobile device can be identified by its media access control address, or MAC address. When a mobile device has WiFi turned on, it broadcasts a signal that “looks” for a WiFi access point. The signal contains the device’s MAC address. This is how the WiFi access point and WiFi analytics platform identifies individual users and starts collecting anonymous customer data.

At the same time, your WiFi access point is continuously “listening” for the signal of any mobile device within range. So when it identifies a device within range, it can begin collecting presence analytics around that device. Users do not have to log into the WiFi for this to occur.

The great thing about the DIGIMAX Intelligence presence analytics is that, unlike other platforms, users do not have to log in through the WiFi access point for customer analytics to be collected. Furthermore, the data about the device will be saved in the platform. From then on, this customer behavior data will be added to their customer profile in your database every time your customer comes back into range of your guest Wifi signal.

Anonymous Data

At this point, the platform does not know who the user is or any of their demographic information. Therefore, the data is anonymous. However, valuable customer behavior data can still be collected. Anonymous data includes information like:

  • Customer Dwell Times
  • Daily Customers vs. Passers-by
  • First-time Visitors
  • First-time Visitor Return Rate
  • Popular Visit Times
  • Projected Lifetime Visits
  • Customer Repeat Rates, and more

The moment you begin using your WiFi analytics platform, you’ll begin seeing these data points populate in real-time. It is the most accurate and reliable market research you can obtain because it is updated in real-time and is a view of your actual customer behavior. Likewise, it comes at a fraction of the cost of other data collection methods.

This type of anonymous data can be very valuable for your business. For instance, marketing campaigns can be measured with tangible data. If you are running a campaign to increase your daily lunchtime visits, you’ll be able to get an accurate view of traffic counts during lunchtime hours and which way it is trending.

If you operate multiple locations, you can use the data to compare traffic and dwell times of different locations. You can also use the data to help make more efficient staffing and purchasing decisions.

Individual Customer Profile Data

When a customer does decide to log into your guest WiFi, they will be required to enter their name and/or email address. At this point, a connection can be made by the software between the mobile device and the actual customer. The platform will immediately create a customer profile for the patron and include all of the data collected previously from the mobile device.

Now you’ll be able to see more detailed metrics about your customers such as:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Phone number
  • Zip code
  • Ratings
  • Presence analytics by location
  • Churn likelihood

Therefore, it is important to encourage your customers to log in.

Getting Customers To Log In

There are multiple configurable ways to for customers to opt in or sign into your guest Wifi. For one, you can offer a social login. This means that you let visitors sign in using a social media platform, such as Facebook. It saves time because it takes just one click for access, and customers tend to trust these types of logins.

The other way is to provide some sort of incentive for signing up. Offering a small free item or some other discount is a proven incentive for customers to provide names and email addresses. Or you can configure your Wifi landing page for a full registration and ask your customer to fill out all this customer data at once.

Your other option is to utilize a simplified registration asking only for your customers email address. Or even turn on progressive profiling and ask for one piece of customer data every-time your customer logs in. All scenarios are configurable to your use case, and we even verify every email that comes into your customer database.

The Value of Detailed Presence Analytics

As more and more customers log into your WiFi access point, you will be passively building detailed customer profiles. Furthermore, you’ll be collecting their email addresses which can be used for email marketing campaigns. All of your campaigns can be triggered by your customers behavior on or off location even if they only log into your Wifi only once!

In addition, you can filter and sort your customer profile list by demographic and/or behavior data. This allows you to segment your customer list into smaller, more focused groups. This will allow you to create powerful marketing campaigns that will speak much more clearly to each of your audience segments.

You will not only define and differentiate your most valuable customers, but you can speak to them in an effective way that they will understand and engage with, persuading them to keep coming back. You’ll see much more success increasing your per-person averages and customer lifetime values, filling your locations with buying customers, and increasing your bottom line.

So as you can see, presence analytics can be extremely valuable, giving you a more accurate understanding of who your customers are and how they are behaving in your establishment.

Schedule a Demo Today

By understanding your customers on this level, you can drive more engagement in your marketing campaigns. This will build familiarity and loyalty between you and your customers, driving solid increases in per person averages and customer lifetime values. Better yet you can leverage this data to decrease operational expenses by discovering negative trends you could not see before DIGIMAX Intelligence presence analytics.

It’s time to start leveraging your guest WiFi and collecting presence analytics with DIGIMAX growth tools. Gain a competitive edge with the DIGIMAX Intelligence Platform growth tools. It passively provides location analytics, guest analytics, customer profiles, business metrics, and much more to grow your multi unit locations.

If you’re ready to see how to leverage your guest WiFi with DIGIMAX Intelligence, call us today at 215-528-8410, or click here to set up a free demonstration for you and your team.